Our big-hearted team are using sock tactics to help raise awareness of Down’s syndrome.
We’re joining in with the #TakeAStepForward campaign by wearing odd colourful socks to work on Sunday 21 March, as part of Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week, which runs from March 15 to March 21.
The Down’s Syndrome Scotland charity is urging people to put their best feet forward and show off their multi-coloured socks for a day.
As the charity’s website explains: “We’re encouraging everyone to be creative and wear their own odd and wacky socks, meaning that as many people as possible can take part and help to support people with Down’s syndrome and their families in Scotland.
“We’re inviting people to #TakeAStepForward and join us in celebrating the value and contribution of people with Down’s syndrome to Scottish life. We still have a lot to do in tackling discrimination and creating truly equal opportunities for everyone living with an extra chromosome.
“It really is as easy as wearing odd socks for a day, but you will be making a big statement.”
The charity explains the thinking behind asking people to wear odd socks: “Well, a chromosome looks a little like a sock and people with Down’s syndrome have an extra copy of the 21st chromosome.
“Sharing pictures of you in your odd socks with your friends and colleagues on social media is a great way to open up conversations and help raise awareness.”
Lydia Brown, Braehead’s community development manager said: “The #TakeAStepForward campaign is a fun way of getting an important message across by raising awareness and supporting people with Down’s syndrome and their families.
“We’d encourage people to take part in the Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week and post photographs of themselves wearing colourful odd socks on any of the Braehead social media platforms using #TakeAStepForward.”
Find out more about the great work they charity carry out by visiting their website here
Are you taking part in #TakeAStepForward? if so we would love to see your pics. Tag us @braeheadcentre